The NSW Water Register provides public access to information about water licences, approvals, water trading, water dealings, environmental water and other matters related to water entitlements in NSW.

The register amalgamates information from several public registers maintained by WaterNSW as part of its statutory responsibility to record water entitlement and water market information.

The NSW Water Register is complemented by the Water Access Licence Register maintained by NSW Land Registry Services, which provides more detailed information about every water access licence in NSW.

The NSW Water Register does not provide information on water entitlements held by foreign persons. This information is held on the Commonwealth Government's Register of Foreign Ownership of Water Entitlements, which can be accessed via the Australian Taxation Office.

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No charges or fees apply to search for information on the NSW Water Register. The NSW Water Register does not include information about controlled activity approvals. Information publicly available from a register of controlled activity approvals is available at our local offices.

If you require full and up to date details about a particular water access licence (including current holders, share and extraction component details, encumbrances and notations) you should undertake a search of the Water Access Licence Register administered by NSW Land Registry Services (register transaction fees apply).

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Water Source is required Plan number is required Plan number should be numeric Water Access Licence number is required Water Licence number is required Approval number is required Period is required Application number is required Application number should be numeric Water Source and Period is required Kind of Approval is required Please select a Floodplain Management Plan Please select a Land Declared to be a Floodplain Please select either a Floodplain Management Plan or a Land Declared to be a Floodplain Water Access Licence number or land reference is required
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Disclaimer: WaterNSW is making the information available on the understanding that it does not warrant that the information is suitable for any intended use. In using the information supplied, the user acknowledges that they are responsible for any deductions or conclusions arrived at from interpretation of the data.

Privacy: The information provided is limited to meet the requirements of section 57 of the Privacy and Personal Information Act 1998.

Exporting and printing: Search results show a maximum of 50 rows per page. Search results can only be printed page by page.

Browsers: The NSW Water Register is best viewed on web browsers Internet Explorer (9.0 or higher), Firefox (15.0 or higher), Safari (5.0 or higher), Google Chrome (20.0 or higher) and Opera (10.5 or higher).

More information: Should you require further information or technical assistance, please submit your request to or contact 1300 662 077